National Financing Agency of Higher Education (NFAHE)

Supporting the activities of public institutions of higher education, as well as students with scholarships.



Për programet prioritare të studimit për vitin akademik 2024-2025

Aug. 19, 2024

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Lista përfundimtare me të gjithë studentët fitues të kredisë studentore për vitin akademik 2023-2024

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Informim rreth Mbështetjes Financiare Studentore

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NFAHE's Areas of Activity

The primary areas of activity, of NFAHE:

  • Supporting the activitis of higher educational public institutions.

  • Supporting the students throught scholarships, or financial support schemes.

  • Guaranteeing the functioning of the student loan scheme.

Transparency Program

National Financing Agency of Higher Education's (NFAHE's) transparency program has been created in accordance with section 7 of law nr.119/2014 "For the right to be informed". This program specifies the lawful scope of the authority's activities within law nr.119/2024 "For the Right to be Informed" (FRI).